Introducing Our
Whole Foods 28-day ImmersioN

Imagine changing the way you eat, feel, and look this winter - in just 28 days.


Refresh ~ Recharge ~ Revitalize

We’d all love some magic diet cure to appear and fix your belly bloat/low energy/digestive issues. Especially after the holiday splurge of pie, biscuits, and gravy.

All that indulgence simply leads to more cravings, moodiness, and lower energy. So wouldn’t it be great if you could get a spark to motivate you long-term and transform your life from the inside out...


Pills, powders, and deprivation diets - they don’t work long-term. Ever.

Because you’re your own unique person, with your own genetic constitution, and current condition, your biological needs are individualized. In the health coaching sphere, this is known as “bio-individuality.”

Translation? There's no one magic diet or cure for anyone.

That’s why we’ll help you learn what foods fuel YOUR unique body, as well as the exercise routines, health, and de-stressing strategies that work for your life during the winter season.

The problem is:

But here’s the good news:

We’ve got a solution for you.

The best part?

It’s all inside this one phenomenal program.

So, if you’re ready to:

Get back on track to nourishing your body in a way that energizes…

Lose your excess weight with ease...

Ditch old habits that don’t serve you anymore

Live a life free from confusion about what to eat, where you feel completely in control of your body and mind

then you are in the right place.


I’m Tysan Dolnyckyj, health coach, personal trainer, and co-founder of Tyzen Fit.

Once upon a time, I took the bait, too. I bought every health book out there, watched all the shows, and spent hours on the Internet researching the “right foods for weight loss.”

What I discovered is that there IS no “right” food! We are all different and have unique nutritional needs.

And that’s what I’m here to prove to you over the course of 4 delicious weeks.

If you are feeling…




Hormonally imbalanced



That’s your body telling you it’s time for a change.

So let’s do this. Together.


Here’s a peek at what’s inside this program:

4 Weeks of daily prompts

We purposely chunk the information down into daily tasks, making it easy to apply these principles to your life.

4 Weeks of Weight-Loss Focused Meal Plans with 30 Delicious Recipes

You won’t feel deprived with the amazing menu I have put together for you, and you’ll know exactly what to buy and cook.

A Simple-to-Use Food Diary

Tracking what you eat and when can be very eye-opening, and will help you remember what’s working and how to avoid what’s getting in your way.

Your Program Cheat Sheets

These fun handouts are designed to keep you motivated, informed, and organized. The include snacks-on-the-go ideas, gluten - free substitutions, the basics of portion control, how to cook vegetarian in a way that keeps you satisfied (note, this is NOT a vegetarian program, but we have vegetarian options), and winter specific tips

Refresh ~ Recharge ~ Revitalize



When you diet, you’re dwelling on fats, counting calories, and restrictions. Most of the time, you end up feeling tired and just plain frustrated, right?

That’s what makes this program so different.

Unlike a diet, this 28-day adventure teaches you how to eat foods that are healthy and delicious… and you’ll never have to count a single calorie.

Instead, you’ll learn how to effortlessly meet your health goals over a 28-day period.

The outcome? You start making long-lasting changes, instead of opting for the next quick fix.

I bet I know what you’re thinking...

Clean eating is more than a strategy; it’s a movement. A revolution.

How is this different from all the other diets out there?

You’re about to embark on a life-changing experience, because you’re about to jump off the diet-roller coaster to commit to change because it is the right thing for your body.

This is about making a commitment to deep self-nourishment.

In 28-days, you’ll discover:

YOUR unique healthy blueprint

Which foods give you optimal energy, and jumpstart your metabolism

How to plan your own healthy, stress-free meals – even if you’re busy and have no time.

Real life strategies for putting yourself FIRST (without feeling guilty. Whoa!)

What exercises fit your unique body and lifestyle

The exact steps, week by week, that help you achieve long-lasting results

More about yourself and your body than ever, with daily assignments over a 28-day period that will empower you to make lifelong changes

Tips or cooking healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes that will leave you satisfied with every bite

Which snacks are healthy and easy to make - did I mention you get 40 of ‘em?

Tactics for crowding out the bad stuff, so you can bring in yummy foods to replace ‘em – no deprivation here!

Easy ways to order healthy everywhere - including your favorite restaurant


"After a lifetime of randomness I am learning to make healthier choices, easily and I’ve already lost 15 lbs. I feel stronger, calmer and more balanced. My thoughts are clear and my life is moving with nice cadence.

Tysan’s approach is holistic and leaves you with a sense of your own power rather than relying on someone to babysit your choices."

- Deirdre Featherstone

A Little More About Tysan

After years of struggling with my body image and my weight, I was looking for more than a quick fix or a diet book. I wanted to make lifelong changes.

And when I finally figured out how to feed and train my body in a way that feels good, I dreamed of creating a program that would help people do the same for themselves.

If you’re feeling confused about what to eat, then this is the program for you.

But, fair warning: it’s about so much more than just what’s on your plate.

I’ll teach you how to become a healthy person in a completely different way. These tools, tactics, and resources are designed to help you reduce stress, achieve your goals, live a healthier life, and learn how to balance everything that fills up your crazy schedule.

These are the same tools that work for me, and my clients. SO I know they’ll work for you, too.

Don’t spend another ounce of energy thinking about when or what to eat.

This program guarantees results AND takes the headache out of “What should I eat today?”

It’s time to get your energy, your body, and your life back.

So take the first step.

Start feeling your best today. Glow from the inside out.

Feel outstanding no matter how busy your life is, because you deserve to feel incredible with every breath.

I promise you this:

You will not starve.
You will not be deprived.
You will thrive.


No more diets.
No more wondering which foods are right for you.

Just a simple, 28-day clean eating program delivered straight to your inbox the moment you click:


My appetite and digestion improved, and I finally fit back into my skinny jeans!”

- Carey Peters,
Co-Founder Health Coach Institute

“I immediately saw results!

It’s time. Invest in yourself, and finally learn how to:

Fall in love with cooking and prep delectable, healthy meals

Adore your kitchen and know how to make it feel like home

Make healthy snacks

Prepare nourishing and delicious meals for the whole family

How to exercise in a way that feels good AND gets you results

Portion out your foods, while never feeling like you are dieting

Pick healthy foods and create meals for yourself that will satisfy all of your taste buds

Crowd out the bad stuff & bring in the healthy goodies

Eat at a restaurant & order off a menu

Nourish your body with the right protein, whether you are vegan or a carnivore

Use tools for committing to change and to a healthy life

You ready? Let’s go.


Revolutionize Your Body in 28 Days

The Cleanse Starts on January 15th. 4 LIVE calls are included.


Note - while we encourage you to participate on the live calls if at all possible, we will have recordings available, so you can listen from the comfort of your own home.

Early-Bird Savings

Order now for $98

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Happiness Guarantee

I have held nothing back in creating this program for you. I want you to live a happier, more vibrant life so I’m giving you all the tools and support you need to start your path to a healthier lifestyle.

Because I want you to experience the amazing results possible in this program, once the program materials have been sent out, there are no refunds. I have created this policy so that we are both accountable for your success. I am here to support you every step of the way!

